Lindsay Marino is an international Psychic Medium and the creator of the online programs Unlock Your Psychic Medium Online Business & Unlock Your Inner Medium. Tony Mitchell is an Intuitive Coach and creator of the online program The Empath’s Blueprint. During each episode, Lindsay & Tony will talk about Spirituality, Business, & Life Experiences. Find out more at &
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Episode 160: How to Have More Clarity and Flow in Your Business
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
#Episode 160: How to Have More Clarity and Flow in Your Business
Do you ever feel like you’re having huge success in your business, but something feels off?
You’re making plenty of money and impacting your clients but still, the elephant in the room is lurking. Or maybe you’re just starting out in your business and can’t seem to find clarity and confidence in your services and products.
We totally understand. We both have gone through countless phases in our business and continue to do so. You’re consistently transforming as a person, why wouldn’t your business do the same?
The link between your business and personal life is inseparable.
Each part drastically impacts the other.
In this episode, we share client stories, personal stories, and tips on creating more clarity & flow in your business. #TheLindsayAndTonyPodcast
To learn more about our 90 day business mastermind, go to
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Episode 159: Making Intuitive Decisions that Transform Your Life
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
#Episode 159: Making Intuitive Decisions that Transform Your Life (The Lindsay And Tony Podcast)
Do you ever go back and forth while making decisions?
Every single day you’re making decisions. You’re deciding what to eat, what to wear, all the way to what house to buy, or what career to choose.
Your ability to have absolute clarity in your decision-making skills will create massive momentum and quantum leaps in every area of your life.
Using your intuition to make your decisions transforms everything.
We always say it’s either a Hell Yes or Hell No.
In this episode, we share personal stories, tips, and insights on continuing to go deeper into your intuition while making decisions.
P.S. We are now taking applications for our 90 Day Business Mastermind that starts up in January!
To contact Lindsay Marino:
To contact Tony Mitchell:
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Episode 158: Your Emotional Masks Can Fog Your Reality
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Episode 158: Your Emotional Masks Can Fog Your Reality
Do you ever feel like you’re someone different with each social setting you’re a part of?
In your family, you’re one way.
In your career, you’re a totally different version of yourself.
Around certain people, you’re someone else as well.
Or maybe you’re like Snoop Dogg and always remain cool, calm, and collective no matter what the circumstance is.
In this episode, we share our experiences, insights, and tips on becoming aware of the masks that are prevalent in your world.
To contact Tony Mitchell:
To contact Lindsay Marino:
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Episode 157: The Power of Being Present with Others
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Episode 157: The Power of Being Present with Others (The Lindsay And Tony Podcast)
Have you ever been talking with someone, and knew they weren’t fully listening to you?
How about the time that you were fully present and the other person was fully present having a deep conversation.
It felt like magic right?!
Attention is the number one currency.
In this episode, we’re going to discuss the power of paying attention and using your senses to take in all that life is pouring into you.
To connect with Lindsay Marino:
To connect with Tony Mitchell:
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Episode 156: How to Process The Emotions You Absorb From Others
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
#Episode 156: How to Process The Emotions You Absorb From Others
Do you ever feel overloaded with emotional energies that aren’t yours?
Imagine going throughout your day, and every person you come into contact with fills your body with emotional energy.
Eventually your body and being hits a limit and becomes clouded with everybody else’s emotional weight. Your clarity begins to diminish.
Your anxiety levels start to increase. You can’t even remember what your energy feels like anymore.
This scene sounds negative and heavy.
But it’s what all of us Empaths have experienced at one time or another.
How is it possible to follow your higher calling, be around people, and manage all of the energies that are consistently flowing into your life?
In this episode, we share our insights on what has helped us navigate this process more effectively on our entrepreneur journeys and overall life.
P.S. Tony has opened only 5 spots to work with him 1-on-1 to help support you in this specific area to close out the year. The cart for his program “Energy Management for Empath Entrepreneurs” closes October 22. Email him ( to schedule a 1-on-1 complimentary clarity session to see if you both are a good fit for each other.
To contact Lindsay Marino:
To contact Tony Mitchell:
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Episode 155: The Power of Supportive Groups for Business Owners
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
#Episode 155: The Power of Supportive Groups for Business Owners
Do you ever feel lonely or feel like you need extra support as an entrepreneur?
As a psychic medium and empath, this may pop up at times.
The fact is, most people will not understand where you’re coming from and how you view the world.
As you notice, there are support groups for moms, dads, speakers, recovering alcoholics or addicts, teachers, and everything in between.
When you’re in an industry, profession, or living a lifestyle the average person does not understand, YOU TRULY NEED SUPPORT along the way.
Without the support, it’s easy to fall into a negative vortex of confusion, self-doubt, and lack of energy.
Human connection is everything and it feeds your soul.
In this episode, we share stories and tips on keeping your energy flowing as an entrepreneur, Medium, and Empath. P.S.S. Tony has 5 spots open for his “Energy Management For Empath Entrepreneurs.” Email tony at to schedule a free clarity session to see if you’re a good fit.
To contact Tony Mitchell:
To conact Lindsay Marino:
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Episode 154: Your Mind And Body Need Time to Recover
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Episode 154: Your Mind And Body Need Time to Recover
But how much time? How do you know when you’re allowing enough time for repair and recovery?
Giving yourself space and time to recover is crucial to your emotional and physical health. Some Olympic athletes take off up to 3 months after training and performing.
After we do a 3-day retreat, travel for extended periods of time, or have our one-on-one calls we need time & space to recover to allow all of the downloads and insights to process.
Each activity or project we're working on requires more or less time for rest and recovery.
We just got back from a 2-month road trip a week ago, and we're still recovering from it!
Our lifestyle is unique so the way and the amount of time we use to slow down is going to be different than yours.
Your lifestyle and personality is unique and will require an entirely different recipe for recovery and healing than the next person.
This is a self-awareness game. YOU must do the work, experimentation, and deep reflection to figure out what works for you.
Have you ever felt burned out emotionally and physically?
Does this happen often?
If so you’ll need to do some adjustments and give yourself more space and time to slow down to speed up.
Your vision, possibly career, and overall lifestyle is consistently transforming.
So you must continue to adjust your approach to fit it.
In other words, what got you here won’t get you there.
What’s your favorite way to slow down, recover, and find your balance?
In this episode, we'll share our own experiences and some tips on how to allow your mind, body, and soul to recover, recharge, and stay highly effective in everything you do.
To contact Tony Mitchell:
To contact Lindsay Marino:
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Episode 153: The Pros And Cons of Mediumship Development
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Episode 153 The Pros and Cons of Mediumship Development
Have you ever felt like you wanted to develop your Mediumship, but you felt scared to dive in?
Or maybe you’ve been developing your Mediumship for years and you feel like you can’t get any better….
After working with 1000's of mediums its become clear that mediumship development has its pros and cons.
In this episode, we share some common themes and personal experiences that come from Mediumship development.
My 5 Month Mediumship Program starts September 16th. To learn more about this Online LIVE Mentorship or the self-study program, click here:
To contact Lindsay Marino:
To contact Tony Mitchell:
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Episode 152: It is Easy to Get Clouded By Fear And How to Overcome it
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
#Episode 152: It is Easy to Get Clouded By Fear And How to Overcome it. (The Lindsay And Tony Podcast)
What you’re scared of might be False Evidence Appearing Real.
Think back to the moments in your life when you acted out of fear.
How did your body, heart, and overall energy feel?
Now think back to the moments of your life when you acted from a space of power or love.
How did your body, heart, and overall energy feel?
Self-awareness is the key here. It’s not about not feeling fear ever, that’s impossible.
It’s more about understanding if you’re experiencing a healthy fear or unhealthy fear.
In this episode, we share personal stories, tips, and ideas on how to become a clear channel. #TheLindsayAndTonyPodcast
To contact Lindsay Marino:
To contact Tony Mitchell:
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021