Lindsay Marino is an international Psychic Medium and the creator of the online programs Unlock Your Psychic Medium Online Business & Unlock Your Inner Medium. Tony Mitchell is an Intuitive Coach and creator of the online program The Empath’s Blueprint. During each episode, Lindsay & Tony will talk about Spirituality, Business, & Life Experiences. Find out more at &
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Episode 70: With "Trauma" You Have Two Choices With Dwayne Scheuneman
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
In this episode I talk with my great friend Dwayne Scheuneman about shifting your perspective around "trauma" so that you can inspire yourself into action and impact the world. Most often, you're greatest opportunity is within the industry or specific area of your traumatic experience. In Dwayne's life it opened him up to unlimited opportunities to meet fun and interesting people whom he would not have met other wise. He realized it positioned him in a way that allowed him to impact people even deeper than before.
Until this day, I often see Dwayne live on the bright side of life, seeing advantages where a large group of people might deem "disadvantages." This is part of his magic and I am honored to be part of sharing his experiences and powerful perspective with you.
P.S. Here is a link about the summer camp Dwayne spoke about in this episode. (This is a great cause and event for students with autism and other special needs:)Lives will be transformed.)To learn more and donate to Dwayne's Summer Camp he is putting on for the students in his dance company click here:
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
#Episode69 The 3 things that happen when you avoid conflict to keep the peace.
Do you feel like you’re sugar coating or suppressing your truth in the name of inner peace? We get it, sometimes it’s better not to say anything at all.
We’re not talking about the times that it’s better to remain quiet, but rather the moments you know you need to lead and live your truth, but instead suppress it so that you don’t fluster any feathers.
If you don’t live a life that is true to you, you’ll never have inner peace. Sometimes it’s necessary to have the hard conversations and to feel the pain so that you can move through it.
In this episode you will learn what happens when you hold back in your life to avoid unwanted emotion. Here’s a hint: you attract what’s you focus on.#TheLindsayAndTonyPodcast
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Episode: 68 We Know For Sure Our Passed Loved Ones Are Still Alive
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
#Episode 68 We know for sure our passed loved ones are still alive.
Have you ever doubted you’re ability to connect in with your passed loved ones?
Every sign, feeling, person, and message can be so subtle that it is missed.
Tony and I both realized several years ago that you create your own reality. How you view the world is how it shows up in your experience.
It is no different when it comes to connecting in with your passed loved ones.
As soon as you open up to the possibility, you will soon realize like we eventually did and millions of other people have throughout time: The signs are everywhere.
In this episode we share our perspective over this topic and specific stories of connection that transformed our lives. Enjoy the show ❤️
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Episode 67: Our Experiences Connecting with Wayne Dyer, Nipsey Hussle, Mother Mary, & More.
Do you believe that it’s possible to connect in with people you’ve never physically met here on earth?
In this episode we share how...
You will receive guidance from expected and unexpected sources.
It’s all about having an open mind and allowing your mission to naturally unfold.
We never expected or even tried to connect in with anyone in particular.
It was more about surrendering to spirit, following the pull, and allowing.
In the end it’s always about the bigger picture and what it takes to make it happen.
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Episode 66: The 3 Ways to Be in Your Power in Your Spiritual Business and Life
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
You're most likely not in your power in your biz/career/life if you:
-Dread waking up Monday morning or most mornings
-Feel Like you have to force yourself to hangout with certain people/stay with the person you're currently with.
- Resent other people who love their careers/biz, landed their dream life partner, live life on their terms
In this episode we share what being in your power looks and feels like, tips on allowing it to happen, and how to know when you're actually being it. Enjoy!
Thursday May 09, 2019
Episode 65 Using Your Intuition to Make Business Decisions
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
#Episode 65: Using Your Intuition to Make Business Decisions.
Have you ever over thought a decision about your career or business? We definitely have been there countless of times in the past. Is it “Should i do this because the opportunity is there and I might not get another chance?” (fear based thinking) or “Am I pulled towards acting on this opportunity?” (Intuitive Decision Making) We’ll explain more in the video.
It’s easy to take the first opportunity that comes your way if you’re coming from desperation and not inspiration (your instinct). The money can distract you. The benefits and safety could possibly hypnotize you into acting on something that is not true to you. All of the expert opinions on what to do/what not do could eventually start to confuse you. It happens.
Overtime Tony and I both realized how powerful it is to take everything in and then make a decision that resonates with our own unique energy. Its like listening to your favorite song, hearing a truth for the first time, It's revealing, exciting, and at times scary.
From choosing the Schools we wanted to work at as teachers in the public school systems, to what programs/courses/workshops to create now, to what “work” schedule to create, Tony and I have learned to allow our instincts to make the decision for us.
In this episode You will learn the difference between making your decisions from fear and intuition (faith).
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Episode 64: The 4 Pillars of a Spiritual Online Business
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
#Episode 64: The 4 Pillars of A Spiritual Online Business.
Tony and I went from working as teachers inside of classrooms in the public school system, to creating a business/classroom that reaches people all around the world.
There is definitely a learning curve when it comes to transitioning from a 9 to 5 teacher mentality to an educator who is building a business.
Over the last 5 years we have realized 4 major pillars that generate energy and impact inside of our businesses. We share the 4 cornerstones inside of this episode ☺ #TheLindsayAndTonyPodcast
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Episode 63 The Best Teachers Hold Energetic Space
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
This episode is 12 minutes and 59 seconds long <3
In this episode, you will learn:
-How it's not necessarily the content the "teacher" is sharing that allows the "student" to experience exponential growth.
-The # 1 skill a teacher, life coach, leader, etc use to allow transformation and miracles to occur.
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Episode 62: How Momentum Leads To New Thresholds
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
This morning I woke up in a sleep drowsy state. Immediately as I walked into the restroom I was nudged to look down at a small tag that said the words “Threshold” with a key symbol. Within myself it was very clear how powerful the moment truly was.
Threshold: The magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be manifested.
In this episode you will learn how to create momentum and recognize the evidence that you are hitting new levels of energy.
🎤🎼#TheLindsayAndTonyPodcast 🎼
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Episode 61: 3 Ways to Transform Years of Negative Self Talk
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Sometimes we talk to ourselves in a way that we’d never think about talking to someone else. Why is this?
We have between 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day.
If you’re like us, you’ve spent the majority of your years using your thoughts to over analyze and disempower yourself.
We believe Thinking 101 should be a REQUIRED subject in k-12.
Coming from 2 teachers who’ve worked in the public school systems it is our honor to share this episode with you. Enjoy