Lindsay Marino is an international Psychic Medium and the creator of the online programs Unlock Your Psychic Medium Online Business & Unlock Your Inner Medium. Tony Mitchell is an Intuitive Coach and creator of the online program The Empath’s Blueprint. During each episode, Lindsay & Tony will talk about Spirituality, Business, & Life Experiences. Find out more at &
Monday May 11, 2020
Episode 110: Each Environment Has A Unique Energetic Blueprint
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Episode 110: Each Environment Has A Unique Energetic Blueprint
Have you ever walked into a restaurant and felt like you didn’t want to eat there?
Have you ever walked on the beach, or in the woods, and noticed how relaxed and centered you felt?
Do you feel stagnant at your home office or at your workplace?
All of these have to do with the unique energetic blueprint that each environment emits.
In this episode you’ll learn how you can set up your environments to support you at the deepest level. #TheLindsayAndTonyPodcast
Monday May 04, 2020
Episode 109: How to Choose the Right Mastermind For You
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
#Episode 109: How to Choose the Right Mastermind For You
By the end of the episode you’ll have absolute clarity on how to pick your next mastermind Retreats, workshops, online courses, private Facebook groups are masterminds.
When 2 or more people come together with the same intention a mastermind is formed.
Not all are created equally.
In this episode we share tips, insights from running our own masterminds and attending others, and what to consider when choosing your next mastermind.
P.S. If you would like more info about our intimate (6 person) online mastermind, send us an email at
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Episode 108: Simple Activities can Create Mystical Experiences
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Do you have to be at the top of a mountain meditating for days to have mystical experiences?
Do you need a certain religion, beliefs, or a specific Guru to get in touch with oneness?
No, No, and No...
At times we may not realize that simple moments, can create huge mystical and transformational experiences, that completely shift your world.
In this episode, we share some of our own stories of doing simple tasks that we would never guess that would create miracles.
By the end of the episode, you will realize how the simple things you’re already doing can give you insights, help to connect with spirit, and create huge shifts in your life.
To contact Lindsay Marino:
To contact Tony Mitchell:
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Episode 107: The Misconceptions of the Psychic Mediumship Industry
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
In this episode, we call out the ELEPHANT in the room.
I remember when I first stepped out into the Psychic Mediumship world, I hid behind a yellow flower as my profile photo and I called myself “Love Energy” because I was afraid to be visible. It was easier for me to put myself out there sharing quotes and not fully sharing my story right away. I also had the fear of charging for my services and thought the “right thing to do” was to take donations since it was a “gift.” I paid so much attention to what other people were telling me to do and finally decided to go against all of it.
In this episode, we talk a lot about the energy exchange that comes from giving readings and also making sure to give the most to your clients. You can only do this in one way.
To check out my business webinar for Psychic Mediums & Healers, click this link:
***Psychic Mediums: comment below as you listen to this episode and share your thoughts. #TheLindsayAndTonyPodcast
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Episode 106: You'll Never Feel 100% Ready to Go to The Next Level
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
#Episode 106: You’ll Never Feel 100% Ready to Go to The Next Level
We share some of our most embarrassing moments on our journey of entrepreneurship and life.
Whether you feel like you’re already thriving or not, do you feel the nudge to do something, and keep over analyzing it?
Are you ready to step up and do something that kind of scares you and excites you at the same time?
What is one thing you’ve done in the past, were scared to do, overcame the fear, and came out stronger than ever?
As humans, we feel most alive when we’re growing and contributing.
In this episode, you’ll have insights on how you can navigate this process as smoothly as possible.
Enjoy the episode❤️#TheLindsayAndTonyPodcast🎼
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Episode 105: Your Intuition Can Guide You During Times of Chaos
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Is it your Fear or Intuition speaking? You should have no doubt after watching this episode.
Think of a time in your life when you were in “fight or flight” mode...
Maybe you were running from an angry dog or something as little as the car honking behind you...
In this state, it’s nearly impossible to be guided by your intuition.
We share personal stories when we were in fight or flight mode, and other times when we were centered and tapped into our intuition.
The difference in clarity is astronomical.
In this episode you will learn different tips that you can use to be guided by your intuition, even when everything seems to be falling apart around you. Enjoy the episode!
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Episode 104: Being Real Does Not Mean Being Negative
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
***To all of the human beings that are getting put down for putting out positivity into this world...You'll want to watch this***
🎼#Episode 104: Being Real Does Not Mean Being Negative
Or being positive all the time.
By the end of this episode you will see being negative or positive in a different light.
The world is made up of both positive and negative energy.
Remember the majority of the world is attracted to negative energy more because it is programmed inside of our little “lizard” brains, not because it is “BEING REAL.”
What are some painful (negative) experiences in your life, that you were able to transcend and develop a new meaning and purpose?
How did you do it?
It’s through reflecting on the negative events and feeling the pain fully/honestly that we can then transcend it.
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
We are both previous teachers in the public school system and wanted to share some solutions with you.
How do you manage your stress levels, educate your children, and make an impact on your family?
How do you keep your kids interested and engaged?
How do you teach 2,3, or 4 different age groups while balancing out the energy of each of your kids?
It can seem like an overwhelming and impossible task, but it doesn’t have to be.
Listen to this episode and learn some tips for teaching your kiddies.
P.S We have a FREE online event For Parents and their Children tomorrow at 3 p.m. est. This event will be filled with interactive exercises for you and your children to promote peace and healing for the world, while giving you specific ideas to implement while homeschooling your children. CLICK the following link to JOIN:
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Episode 102: The 6 Ways to Find Faith During Any Crisis
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
We share the # 1 way to have FAITH during any crisis at the end of this episode.
Fear or Faith?
Fear is a part of the human experience.
We have only two spaces we can act from.
It’s not about the ACTIONS you are taking or not taking, it’s the ENERGY and SPACE you’re coming FROM that either makes or breaks you.
Your kids, brothers, sisters, friends, family, and everybody is looking for leadership during the rough times
It is IMPOSSIBLE to successfully lead when you’re drowning in FEARS.
In this episode we will give you exactly what to do to catch yourself when you’re beginning to slip into fight or flight mode, and redirect into the space of FAITH.
Look we’re humans too and go through all of the ups and downs, that every human being goes through. There’s nothing wrong with experiencing fears. The difference is we learned not TO STAY THERE.
COMMENT below your # 1 way that is helping you throughout this crisis.
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Episode 101: The 3 Ways to Maximize this Podcast and Create Exponential Results
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
The number one way you can absorb information, so that you actually take action and create results is tip number 3.
Being teachers in the schools, and now inside of our own businesses, we have spent our careers obsessed with how to get people to learn and actually take action.
You will learn how to take any information you’re learning and fully apply it to your own life, so that it becomes practical and attainable.
P.S Click the link here for my Free Accountability Checklist:
P.S.S Subscribe to our Youtube Channel and leave us a Review on Apple Podcast. #TheLindsayAndTonyPodcast 🎼